As the weather starts to warm, dealer lots start to hum a little more too. Eager shoppers explore every nook and cranny of the newest floorplans and models. However, as carefully as any shopper inspects and hunts for the very best unit, there are some differences that only a true expert would recognize or think to ask about. We want to reveal some of these to you now.
Many different brands share floorplans and features that understandably get fellow campers, couples and families motivated. But not all RV builders are backed by extensive R&D or execute on their designs with the same expertise and experience. That’s where you can find real value, value that also translates directly to more fun and comfort at the campground.
Our Value-Added tool walks you through many of the lesser noticed, but really important, features and designs of towable RVs and motorhomes. It will help you prioritize as you shop and provide a more complete view of what makes our RVs different. Here’s just a glimpse at the kinds of features, construction methods and hidden value you’ll uncover:
Designed to extend camping seasons, advanced and targeted insulation protects against extreme heat and extreme freezing—even when temperatures hit a high of 100° F or a low of 0° F.
Reliable RVs start with strong frames. That’s why we don’t cut corners when it comes to our RVs’ foundations. Unlike other manufacturers who build on stock frames, every Jayco RV has its own custom-sized frame, eliminating modifying and welding that would otherwise compromise the foundation.
An RV's warranty tells you a lot about how well the unit is designed and built. The industry’s best warranty includes two-year limited and three-year structural coverage.
App-based systems have been custom-built by our product development teams along with various supplier partners (depending on the model). You can monitor and control key RV operations from a phone or a tablet with little effort.
An exclusive vacuum-bonded lamination process applies 144 tons of pressure for 16-18 minutes, ensuring 100 percent glue coverage and curing.
Learn more about how to uncover these values and more as you explore RVs. Use the interactive value tool>>>